Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Reflection Time

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The commute from Fefan to Weno is a tiresome and annoying task for most people. They dread the splattering salt water, the tailbone crunching smacks, and the deadening heat. It costs too much money, takes too much time and is always a hassle.
            Although I struggle with these same issues when crossing the lagoon waters on my way to or from Weno, I actually enjoy the ride. The main reason that I like the commute is because it serves as a time of personal reflection for me. I often get restless in my jungle abode or get wrapped up in the frustrations of school and poverty, but when I get out onto the open ocean everything changes. My troubles slip away and float out towards the distant horizon. The salty air whisks away my worries and a calming sensation washes over my body and mind.
            When I am out on the ocean, it puts everything in perspective. Literally and figuratively. Being in the middle of the dotted islands on the shimmering blue canvas gives me a jolt of reality and reminds me that I am not stuck in a dusky classroom in a sweltering jungle. I am in the center of paradise and the sights around me are beautiful beyond imagination. Somehow, this realization of the physical freedom of my situation spurs a feeling of happiness and contentment with my life.
            I have some of my deepest philosophical thoughts and most affirming inspirations while I am floating over the open waters. I ponder my life decisions, plan the future, recollect the past, and appreciate my life. The quiet atmosphere and feelings of freedom never fail to boost me up. At the end of our journey, most of the other passengers have nasty grimaces strewn across their faces but I will usually have a cheerful smirk on my salty sunburned face.

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