Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A New Twist on My Blog Style

I am going to attempt to write my blog posts in a slightly different style. Instead of spurting out long discourses about significant events that take place, I am gonna try to concentrate more on jotting down little anecdotes about random little things that happen in daily life. The shock and awe of living in Chuuk has worn off and I am not confronted by new and novel things around every corner. The adventure and discovery phase of my Peace Corps service has passed by and I have entered into a regular flow of things.
However, my regular flow of life is still starkly different from most people in the world and probably much different than anything you have ever imagined. The normality of my normal life is far from the standard definition of normal. Crazy and weird things happen every day. These are the things that really make my service special. I am going to do my best to write some down.

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